
Linda Scherz
Designer - Teacher - Weaver
Adirondack Basketry Owner
Her story -
My basketry journey started in the late 1980’s when I was taught how to make a 6” melon basket. For as long as I can remember I always loved being creative. Little did I know how that first basket would change my life. My children were young and my basketry grew into our lives. My enjoyment for making basket grew when I started my business in 1990. I was asked to teach locally and to join an artist cooperative to sell my baskets. It soon progressed to designing and teaching my designs. I created my first website in 2004. I teach throughout the Eastern half of the United States and occasionally participate in high quality juried shows. It is very rewarding and fulfilling to share what I have learned with my students, to continue to learn, to assist my customers with their questions, create custom work and to share in conversation with those interested in basketry.
About Adirondack Basketry Baskets -
All the baskets are handwoven by Linda. Only the best materials available to purchase or harvested are used to provide a high quality product. Extra steps are taken to create a tightly woven, trimmed quality basket. Baskets are signed and dated.
If you are looking for a custom basket, contact Linda and she will be happy to work with you to design and create your special piece. To view more of her work, visit the Gallery page.

Woven with waxed linen. This is one of Linda's favorite designs as well as those who see it. You can see how tight it's woven and the detail in the basket.

The iconic Adirondack Pack Basket. Linda's packs are patterned from antique Traditional Adirondack Packs.

2012 Best in Show at the Fine Furnishings Show in RI.

Woven with waxed linen. This is one of Linda's favorite designs as well as those who see it. You can see how tight it's woven and the detail in the basket.

Students showing the Small Adirondack Pack Baskets they just completed in a class with Linda at the Adirondack Folk School.

Students are busy weaving in class with Linda at the Adirondack Folk School.

Weaving a waxed linen basket.

Students showing the Small Adirondack Pack Baskets they just completed in a class with Linda at the Adirondack Folk School.
About Classes with Linda -
Linda teaches throughout the United States. Basket Guilds host retreats and annual conferences in which they select teachers for the event. Other professional basket makers host visiting teachers at their businesses. Locally in New York State Linda teaches at art centers, schools, resorts and more. Contact Linda if you are interested in her teaching for your organization or venue near you. To view the current list of classes scheduled visit the Event page.
30 + years of teaching experience and Linda looks forward to sharing her knowledge with you!
Venues in New York State where Linda teaches include -
Adirondack Folk School
Amboy 4-H Center (occasionally)
Chittenango Landing Canal Boat Museum (occasionally)
Great Camp Sagamore
The Gallery
Thousand Islands Art Center
Tug Hill Vineyards
View Arts Center
The Adirondack Hiker Pack Basket was in the December 2017 issue of Martha Stewart Living.

November 2018 Linda was contacted by Mohawk Valley Living Show as they were interested in her baskets and requested an interview for the December show. Linda was interviewed and you can see the show at